Thanks for asking to download your free copy of my futuristic short novel, Future Shop.
I just know you’re going to love it.
I’ve just sent you an email, all about how to ensure my book and my newsletter (full of free stuff, offers and news) gets into your inbox.
Just follow the simple-ish instructions, and my super system should then be able to send you Future Shop.
If you’ve not received that email from me, please check your junk mail.
This is SO important, as you won’t be able to download Future Shop unless you’re getting messages from me go directly into your main inbox.
Please Safelist my email address: gideon@ngomedia.org.uk to ensure any emails that come from me will get right into your inbox.
Don’t know how to do this?
Here’s a handy guide to the most frequently used mail programmes. You’ll want to follow the instructions, accepting emails from @ngomedia.org.uk and from @gideon-burrows.com
Hope that helps. If you have the slightest problem, don’t hesitate to contact me directly.
Thanks so much. Have a great day!
Gideon Burrows